58 files found in Library "disk drive and file related utilities."

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ARCID107.ZIP Yes 23185 12/31/1994
Archive Identifier 1.07 tells you the type of
an archive file without relying on the file
extension. The program can identify ARC, ARJ,
files. (Mike Cocke) (Reg.Fee: $8)
ASCDP_DA.ZIP Yes 75470 1/13/1995
ASCDump (DA) 1.0 displays a binary file
side-by-side with the ASCII equivalence. A
color cursor will scroll both files
simultaneously. (Dynamic Application
Programmin) (Reg.Fee: $10)
ASPL03.ZIP Yes 223598 12/28/1994
SPLSAV/400 1.0 is a tool for saving and
restoring spool files for AS/400 systems. It
will allow the user to archive spool files
and restore them back into out-qeues.
This version is limited to spool files of
five pages of up to 50K, and 500K of spool
data during one save process. NEW:
spool file save size increased to 15
gigabytes. (Burkhard Wiesener) (Reg.Fee: $320)
AVSCAN.ZIP Yes 351275 1/16/1995
AVScan 1.97 is a virus scanner. NEW:
added new signatures. (Tjark Auerbach)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
BSORT201.ZIP Yes 95798 1/24/1995
BigSort 2.01 sorts files of any size, handles
various record formats, including fixed and
variable length, dBASE, and comma delimited
records. The Sorting keys can be customized
to contain up to 8 fields, each with
independent length, byte ordering, and case
sensitivity fields. Up to 8 input files can
be used with a single output file. (David
Sheppard Poor) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20)
CCDF201.ZIP Yes 97985 1/19/1995
CCDF 2.01 converts comma-delimited data to
columnar data. NEW: input lines
extended to 32,767 characters, multiple
column widths can be specified, a smart mode
to pre-scan files to determine column widths,
improved reading large files. (Timothy
Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $8)
CE.ZIP Yes 6971 12/28/1994
CE 1.0 changes directories based on
environment variables. This can be useful for
setting a long path for specific needs
without having to type it in more than once.
(Jeff Ramsden) (Reg.Fee: $2)
CHECKIT.ZIP Yes 35381 1/16/1995
CheckIt 1.0 stores a copy of your boot record
in a binary file and compares it to the
current record each time the program is
executed from a batch file or the command
line. This can be useful for detecting
viruses or other factors which may have
corrupted the boot sector of your hard drive.
(Paul Kimmel) (Reg.Fee: $0)
CM8104E.ZIP Yes 37131 12/14/1994
ChekMate 1.04e detects viruses in files, boot
sectors, and partition tables. Upon
installation, it will create a series of
files containing a fingerprint image of the
COMMAND.COM, boot sector, partition table,
and related data. Then, each time your
computer is booted, it will match these files
with the actual files or image files taken at
runtime. If the files do not match, the
program will display a warning of the change.
(Martin Overton) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DIRUSE.ZIP Yes 44630 12/28/1994
DIRUse 1.0 displays system usage for the
specified drive, directory, and
subdirectories from a given point down. It
will list the largest files and sum up the
lengths of all files. Disk space is also
expressed as a colorful pie chart. C source
code is included. (Yaki Broshy) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DISKPIE.ZIP Yes 100726 1/5/1995
DiskPie 3.0 lets you use a mouse to navigate
pie charts that display the relative size of
disk directories. It will also display the
contents and number of kilobytes in a
directory. (Charles Kigar) (Reg.Fee: $20)
DO_SB.ZIP Yes 40944 1/5/1995
Do (SB) 2.2 is a colorful file and
subdirectory manipulation utility for
stand-alone systems and networks. In addition
to standard file navigation commands, such as
copy, move, and rename, it features a file
finder, pruner, attribute setting and
changing, and more. It can be used from the
command line or from within batch files.
(Skip Bremer) (Reg.Fee: $0)
EDDY7W.ZIP Yes 253829 12/28/1994
Eddy 7w is a full-screen directory editor and
general purpose disk utility. You can edit
directory entries, including name, date, time
and attributes of files; sort directory
display by file name, extension, size or
date/time; copy, move, and delete files; look
at or patch data in files, in RAM, or by
physical disk sector; find strings of data in
files, in RAM or by physical disk sector;
locate files anywhere on your disk, by name
with wildcards, by file attributes, and/or by
file timestamp; and recover files safely.
NEW: slack byte display and file exclusion
feature. (John Scofield) (Reg.Fee: $25)
ERRLVL12.ZIP Yes 20456 1/4/1995
Errlvl 1.2 displays the errorlevel set by the
previous program. (George A. Theall)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
EZBACKUP.ZIP Yes 210210 1/16/1995
Easy Backup 3.1 makes compressed,
self-restoring backups. It backs up
subdirectories automatically and has an
archive option which will remove the backed
up directory structure from the hard disk.
(John Turnbull) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40)
EZVIEW94.ZIP Yes 192789 1/24/1995
EZView 94 is a text file viewer and more. It
allows you to browse around your drives and
directories, view and/or print text type
files easily, delete files that are no longer
needed, and clean up cluttered directories.
(John Veit) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $5)
FBIND.ZIP Yes 18381 1/5/1995
FileBind 1.2b allows you to modify up to 10
text files at one time. You create a script
file containing instructions for modifying
files and load the script with the program.
This can be useful for adding or deleting
sentences and paragraphs, changing text, etc.
(Reg.Fee: $0)
FE20.ZIP Yes 10341 1/12/1995
Fast Encrypt 2.0 is a file encryption system
written in assembler for faster speed than
some other encryption programs. The program
can be used from the command line or within a
batch file. (Michael Harris) (Reg.Fee: $15)
FORTN411.ZIP Yes 66569 1/12/1995
Fortune (BG) adds features to DOS's FOR
command. These features can be applied to
commands accepting regular DOS wildcards.
Results of the command are written to a batch
file which you can review before you run it.
It also includes the ability to embed
redirection indicators in a command, separate
the file name and file extension, identify
individual characters in the the file name
and extension, specify incrementation in the
file names, specify multiple statements on
one command line, exclude up to 10 file
specifications from consideration, do PKZIP
commands, and more. (Bruce Guthrie) (Reg.Fee:
FREEF231.ZIP Yes 83855 12/28/1994
FreeForm 2.31 formats all styles of standard
DOS disks, as well as non DOS disk, and
customized DOS disks. You can make up your
own copy protection schemes. It gives
complete control over formatting parameters.
(Herne Data Systems Ltd.) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $27)
GET262.ZIP Yes 99249 1/20/1995
Get 2.62 adds many useful commands to batch
files. It will display a prompt and get any
keypress, a yes or no response only, a string
of characters, the DOS version, the amount of
environment space left, file size, amount of
free disk space, amount of free memory, and
the name of the current directory. It will
check for a printer, for a math coprocessor,
for ANSI.SYS, and get/set video mode. It can
also display a line of scrolling text,
perform arithmetic, and more. (Bob Stephan)
(Reg.Fee: $16)
GSR170.ZIP Yes 172902 1/12/1995
GSR 1.70 performs global search and replace
on several types of files. It can do
case-sensitive searches, and allow you to
view each occurrence before changing or
change without verification. There is also a
function for disallowing files with certain
extensions from being changed. This program
can be useful for modifying source code,
changing copyright notices, converting
between language versions, etc. NEW: The
ability to recurse subdirectories, and added
CDX, FPT and ARJ to avoidance list. (Phil
Barnett) (Reg.Fee: $20)
IMG113.ZIP Yes 52703 1/20/1995
Image 1.13 reads a floppy and creates an
image file of it on a local or network hard
drive. It supports 1.44 MB, 1.2 MB, 720K, and
360K diskettes in the either A: or B: drive.
Other features include multiple image copies
and prompting for labels. (JET Computer
Services, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $37)
INCLOG.ZIP Yes 9142 1/16/1995
INC_LOG 3.0 provides a means of retaining
several versions of a file by renaming each
copy with a successive letter of the alphabet
incorporated into the file name. The original
date and time of the file is preserved as it
is copied. (M. F. Buchan) (Reg.Fee: $0-10)
INTELCAT.ZIP Yes 256215 1/16/1995
InteliCat 1.91 is a very slick looking and
fast disk cataloging program. Features
include the ability to read hard disks,
subdirectories, and archives; key word and
comment fields; automatic disk naming;
multi-level sorting; searching on text
strings; displaying on screen or printer with
search criteria and user defined formats.
Drawbacks are a cumbersome method of changing
drives to be read, inability to screen out
types of files, and no option to print disk
directory labels. The maximum number of files
allowed appears to be around 5000. Comment
listings from some BBS types can be imported,
which is a big plus. EMS/XMS support is
provided, and a hard disk is recommended.
(Curtis Little) (Reg.Fee: $25)
KEYLOK20.ZIP Yes 8938 1/5/1995
KeyLok 2.0 offers limited password protection
for your computer by including this program
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Booting from a floppy
bypasses the password. NEW: allows you to
change your password whenever you want from
within the program.. (John D. Lee) (Reg.Fee:
LILDIR10.ZIP Yes 14599 1/5/1995
Little Directory 1.0 is a DIR replacement.
Features include 1, 2, 3 or 5 columns across
in sort order of your choice, display
subdirectories, multiple directories, wild
carded filenames, and a tree option showing
the directory tree with file count and size.
(Stan Peters) (Reg.Fee: $10)
MREPEAT4.ZIP Yes 130794 1/16/1995
MxREPEAT 4.21 will automate and manage virus
scanning using McAfee VIRUSCAN program 2.xx.
Scanning is accomplished only when a user
defined date or time interval is exceeded.
(ANTaLION Software) (Reg.Fee: $50-90)
OS2_05DR.ZIP Yes 280267 1/1/1995
OnScreen/2 - DOS 2.05 is a full-screen text
and binary file viewer. It will display files
in a text window or fullscreen session. Other
features include file browsing, redirected
input, a variety of search functions, go to a
specific line of text, bookmarks, syntax
highlighting, and much more. (John Allen)
(Reg.Fee: $20)
PARSOMAT.ZIP Yes 163178 1/16/1995
Parse-O-Matic 2.70 is a programmable
text-file parsing utility. It converts text
files into formats which can be converted
into other programs. You use a simple
programming type format in configuration
files to tell POM how to convert a file. This
provides the maximum in flexibility and
configurability while still being relatively
easy to use. Requires 500K RAM. NEW:
look-up processing and predefined variable
$SPLIT. (Timothy Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $25)
RAR1_53.ZIP Yes 158813 1/17/1995
RAR 1.53 is a compression program from
Russia. Features include the ability to
create self-extracting files, set a password,
lock the archive preventing modifications and
add file comments and more. NEW: now
utilizes expanded memory, a switch to provide
pack and unpack volume labels information for
the specified drive, a switch to disable AV
checking, and more. (Yevgeniy Lazarevich
Roshal) (Reg.Fee: $35)
SCNB214B.ZIP Yes 368276 1/1/1995
VirusScan 2.1.4. scans diskettes or entire
systems and identifies any pre-existing PC
virus infection. (McAfee Associates, Inc.)
(Reg.Fee: $25)
SETERR.ZIP Yes 8355 1/16/1995
SetErr 1.0 allows you to determine if a
number is within a specified range and sets
ERRORLEVEL for branching within batch files.
(Jeff Ramsden) (Reg.Fee: $2)
SIZE_DW.ZIP Yes 9396 1/16/1995
Size (DW) 1.2 displays a variety of
information about the files in a given
directory. Information includes number of
files, total kilobytes used in directory, and
whether or not files will fit in space left
on a given drive or directory. (David Weber)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
SLEEK.ZIP Yes 9745 1/23/1995
Sleek 5.00 reformats text files to change the
length of or remove word wrapped lines.
(Lambert Klein) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $14)
SREP.ZIP Yes 11423 1/16/1995
SMARTReporter 1.0 is an 8k TSR which monitors
Microsoft's SMARTDRV cache in DOS. It will
show the hit ratio in the upper corner of
your screen and will turn green if your ratio
is over 50%, red if it falls below 50%.
(Scott Alan Hoopes) (Reg.Fee: $5)
SRLK27.ZIP Yes 115201 1/17/1995
Sherlock (JPB,JR) 2.73 compares two ASCII
(text) files line by line. Also included is
Disklist, which prints disk sleeve inserts
showing directory contents. (John P Jr.
Bauernschub) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $29)
SWTCH_CC.ZIP Yes 20876 1/5/1995
Switch (CC) 2.1a allows you to perform search
and replace on any ASCII file from the
command line or within a batch file. (Craig
A. Cassidy) (Reg.Fee: $25)
TAGDEL.ZIP Yes 39568 1/24/1995
TagDel 2.0 gives a scrolling list of all of
the files in the current directory, allowing
you to tag and untag files for deletion.
(Shawn Anderson SoftWare) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $10)
TB101.ZIP Yes 42676 1/5/1995
Tape Breaker 1.01 performs total backups
without tape linking. It will create all the
necessary batch and tag files allowing you to
perform a total backup that uses several
unlinked tapes. NEW: added display of
results, and maximum capcity. (It's Magic! PC
Potions) (Reg.Fee: $18)
TBAV630.ZIP Yes 277180 12/17/1994
ThunderByte Anti-Virus 6.30 is a toolkit
designed to protect against computer viruses
and recover from them. It includes a file
integrity checker, virus scanner, file
cleaning utility, several virus detectors, a
utility to completly destroy and remove
files, and more. Requires 1 meg of disk
space. NEW: improved naming of executable
files to non-executable files, improved
detection of and added signatures. (Dick
Geheniau) (Reg.Fee: $99)
TDIR.ZIP Yes 34095 1/20/1995
TapeDIR 1.0 is a backup utility for use with
the Colorado tape backup program. It will
copy the tape directory listing to a
temporary file and then to your PCL
compatible laser printer. (Hot Properties
Software) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TERM_RR.ZIP Yes 14187 1/5/1995
Terminator (RR) 1.0a deletes all files with a
given extension across directories on the
current drive. You can also specify files to
exempt from deletion. (Rick J. Ratchford)
(Reg.Fee: $any)
TEXREP.ZIP Yes 16831 1/5/1995
TexRep 1.0 performs search-and-replace on any
text file from the command line. It can also
display an ASCII/numeric conversion table.
(Stan Peters) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TLCOLOR.ZIP Yes 38563 12/27/1994
TLColor 1.0 converts normal ASCII text files
to ANSI color files. The program allows the
user to select an input file, an output file
name, and a background and foreground color
for the document. The program adds the
necessary codes to display the document in
ANSI color. (Russ Haag) (Reg.Fee: $5)
TXRPT16.ZIP Yes 155129 1/17/1995
TxREPEAT 1.62 automates virus scanning of
workstations with Thunderbyte's TbSCAN
program. Scanning is done when a user-defined
date or time interval is exceeded. Requires
TbSCAN 6.24. (ANTaLION Software) (Reg.Fee:
UN_DUP01.ZIP Yes 37542 12/17/1994
Rosenthal Un_Dup 1.0 finds and deletes
duplicate files from you hard drive. The
decision of which duplicate file to exempt
from removal is based on the most direct and
efficient path. There is also a function for
selectively exempting files from deletion.
All files are displayed for user confirmation
before being deleted. (Doren Rosenthal) (ASP)
(Reg.Fee: $24)
V1.ZIP Yes 41960 1/20/1995
V1 is a directory browser and file manager.
Features include editing file and directory
names, copy/move/delete directories, ability
to view archived files, attribute changing,
XMS swapping, file viewer with background
reading, filename completion in dialogs, task
automation, programmable function keys, split
windows, network aware, and SVGA, 4DOS, UNIX,
MAC support. (Neil Faulks) (Reg.Fee: $29)
VISSER10.ZIP Yes 43451 1/16/1995
Visible::Serialization 1.0a will append a
serial number or other identifier to an EXE.
It also creates and/or increments such serial
numbers, and searches for and displays serial
numbers. It is primarily intended for
developers, but others may want to use it to
mark their programs they own for
identification. (RCCO Research) (Reg.Fee: $23)
VNDVUE11.ZIP Yes 244694 1/9/1995
VendView 1.10 displays VENDINFO.DIZ files. It
provides quick access to product
descriptions, categories, required platform,
registration prices and benefits, ordering
and tech support, Read-Me, installation, and
more. Requires 512K RAM and 500K of disk
space. (H Rudy Ramsey) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $25)
VSUMX411.ZIP Yes 904917 12/27/1994
Virus Information Summary 11/94 includes
information for the identification, detection
and removal of computer viruses. It provides
you with such information as what a virus
generally does, how it activates, what it is
doing to your system, and how to get rid of
it. (Patricia M. Hoffman) (Reg.Fee: $30)
WAITUT.ZIP Yes 19355 1/16/1995
WAIT & ASK Utils 1.0 contains two batch file
utilities: WAIT allows you to display a
message to the user and wait a specified
number of seconds before continuing. ASK
allows you to prompt the user for a Y/N
response from within a batch file for the
purpose of branching. Sample batch files are
included. (Greg DiGiorgio) (Reg.Fee: $0)
WI_19.ZIP Yes 167575 1/18/1995
WhatIs - GH 1.9 determines the type of a file
and gives useful information about it. This
package includes a standalone command line
version and an extended version which is
designed to be called from other programs
like for example RAMgr. It recognises GIF,
PCX, TIF, TGA, JPG, BMP, all IFF filetypes,
FLI, DBF, NG, TrueType, DeskJet, Bitstream
PCK, EXE (and exe compressors), Windows EXE,
files, ANSI, AVATAR, ASCII, all WordPerfect
files, SFX files, compressed files, and more.
(G. Hoogterp) (Reg.Fee: $f25)
WIZ31.ZIP Yes 73078 12/27/1994
Wiz 3.1 is a lightning-fast file finder. It
will find one or more files based on full
wildcard specifications, and can also filter
by file size and date. It can select only
executable files (EXE, COM, BAT), select only
archive files (ZIP, ARC, etc.), switch you to
execute a DOS command for each file it finds,
look inside archives (ZIP, LZH, and ARJ), and
more. (Ray Van Tassle) (Reg.Fee: $20)
WRDSMART.ZIP Yes 28251 1/20/1995
WordSmart 1.4 is a text reformatter that
alters the length of lines in a plain text
file by stripping all CR/LFs from within the
paragraphs. (Lambert Klein) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
XMONKEY.ZIP Yes 17679 12/27/1994
XMonkey repairs hard drives infected with
the Monkey virus. It can repair up to eight
chained drives on a single PC. (Zvi Netiv)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
XXDBG110.ZIP Yes 13460 1/18/1995
XXDebug 1.10 is a decoding program that can
handle seven different types of encoded
files. It allows users who do not have access
to DOS Debug to decode the encoded files that
are often sent via e-mail. (Chad Wagner)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
ZDIFF21.ZIP Yes 86190 1/20/1995
ZDiff 2.1b is an archive/directory comparison
program. It compares a pair of archives, a
pair of directories, or an archive and a
directory. It presents a sorted list of all
the files and a status line showing the
differences. (Christophe Dubourg) (Reg.Fee: